Next Question, Please

Rory Cooper /

As Americans huddled around their televisions last night to see President Obama’s first prime-time press conference, they were instinctively not only judging his performance, but that of the White House press corps. Throughout the past two years, there has been scrutiny from the right regarding the press’ treatment of Barack Obama, and a defensive posture on the left that he was indeed getting the tough questions. How did they perform?

The Crib Sheet: First, it was interesting to see President Obama call on reporters from a list of predetermined correspondents that included left-wing blogger Sam Stein from the Huffington Post and just missed liberal radio host Ed Schultz, who had a front row seat last night. Throughout George W. Bush’s presidency, this practice of using a crib sheet was also exercised; however in Bush’s case, the liberal media elite lambasted him for it.

In 2004, Mother Jones called it a “well ordered list of reporters on that crib sheet.” And in 2003, the American Journalism Review went further by saying: “Bush himself acknowledged the event was ‘scripted’ when he called on CNN’s John King from a predetermined list of reporters. Critics argued the press should not have succumbed so meekly to such an indignity, and some even accused the White House press corps of submitting questions for advance approval–an allegation that beat reporters vehemently denied.”

It is good to know the “critics” have grown so accustomed to such “indignity” that this issue has not even been raised today, nor the double standard that would have been applied had Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh been granted front row access to a White House press briefing.

Helen Thomas: Many Presidents have had to patiently placate Helen Thomas, the former duchess of UPI, and President Obama is no different. She once referred to him as “no Martin Luther King.” Last night she scored on two fronts, first referring to Al Qaeda as “so-called terrorists” and then trying to get President Obama to publicly acknowledge that Israel has nuclear capabilities, long understood as a cheap question.

While President Obama did not adequately rebuff Ms. Thomas’ assertion that Al Qaeda are not necessarily terrorists, or even challenge her at all, he deserves a pass on this moment since the question was so absurd and insulting that many good people may have been thrown off. However, in reporting this incident, the President is getting high marks for being “refreshing” and correcting her, which did not occur.  (He did use the word “terrorists” without qualification in his reply.) This might not be worthy of discussion if President Obama would at least admit there is a “Global War on Terror.” It’s a term he refuses to embrace, as his administration reverts to fighting this war in the courts and not on the battlefield.

Ms. Thomas is on record comparing Israel to the Nazis, and referring to the war in Iraq as a “crusade.” President Bush grew tired of Ms. Thomas’ remarks years ago and eventually refused to call on her. President Obama may want to adopt this practice. (more…)