Live at Copenhagen: National Security Threats Misused

Ben Lieberman /

The Heritage Foundation’s Steven Groves and Ben Lieberman are live at the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference reporting from a conservative perspective. Follow their reports on The Foundry and at the Copenhagen Consequences Web site.

“It is not merely scientists and environmental activists who call for swift and forceful action – it’s military leaders in my own country and others who understand our common security hangs in the balance.”

President Obama said this in his Nobel acceptance speech last week.  And indeed, as high level government officials arrive on Wednesday December 16 for the critical last 72 hours of the Copenhagen climate conference, the supposed link between national security and global warming is being used to urge along an agreement. But they have it exactly backwards. It is not global warming but ill advised global warming policy that poses the real security threat for the U.S. and its allies. (more…)