The Anti-Cap and Trade Revolution Will Be Televised

Ben Lieberman /

Climate skeptics – those who do not believe that global warming is a crisis justifying a blank check response – have always had the soundest arguments in this debate. These arguments are getting sounder still as the planetary warming has stalled out for most or all of the past decade, and as new findings cast further doubt on what was once claimed to be “settled science.” And the policy argument that the risks of global warming, however great or small, should be balanced against the risks of costly global warming policy, has likewise been the best way to frame the debate – certainly better than one-sided panicky responses likely to do far more economic harm than environmental good, such as the Waxman-Markey bill.

Yet, outside of written publications, the proponents of this realistic approach to global warming have been overshadowed by the hype and hyperbole of the alarmist crowd, especially things like Al Gore’s documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.” This documentary won an Academy Award in 2007. Whopping factual accuracy aside, its apocalyptic message was certainly compelling and watchable for a general audience. In fact, it was the factual inaccuracies that left audiences with a strong misunderstanding of the “realities” of global warming. (more…)