Why the “Trigger” is a Bad Idea

Stuart Butler /

For most of 2009, President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid have been obsessed with a “public option” for health care, which would create a government-run health care system that would eventually monopolize the industry and create the single-payer system liberals have long desired.

Even when town hall protesters by the thousands jeered the concept; they stood by it. Even when poll numbers reflected a small minority of support; they stood by it. Even when study after study showed that millions of Americans would be forced out of their private plans, that it wasn’t paid for, and that it would lead to bureacratic rationing; they stood by it. But now, they have swiftly “compromised” by introducing the idea of a “trigger.” So what is a trigger, and why are liberals suddenly embracing this language?

What is a Trigger? A trigger is a legislative tool that would put in place automatic benchmarks that if not met, would immediately unleash the government-run system into the market. For example, if 95% of Americans as defined by the bill, don’t have adequate health coverage by a certain date, the public option would be “triggered.” (more…)