Recognizing, and Averting, A Threat to the Special Relationship

Ted Bromund /

Yesterday, the UK National Defence Association released the latest in a series of reports on Britain’s armed forces. Titled “A Compelling Necessity,” it makes the case for an increase in British defense spending, in spite of the economic downturn, in order to restore and preserve Britain’s defenses.

Of particular importance is the statement by economist Irwin Stelzer, who correctly notes in the report’s foreword that, while the U.S. and Britain face the same threats – international terrorism and a nuclear-armed North Korea and Iran, among others – Britain needs to shore up its forces if the Special Relationship is to endure. That relationship is very deep, but if Britain irrevocably became a free rider on the security provided by the U.S., the relationship would be in peril, and the world would become a more dangerous place. (more…)